Sunday, October 25, 2009

Further Development

This concept has starting to initiate a structural support for the seat. I have created two slots in the base of the chair so that the two folded sides of the seat have something to insert into, though as the board is only 2mm thick this idea did not prove to be very successful. Though the slotting of the back rest into the seat (which can be seen on the side view below), is effective both visually and functionally.

Concept Development

Now that I am at the stage of concept development I have moved onto using 2mm mount board at a 1:5 scale. In comparison to the paper, the cardboard is not as flexible and at a 1:5 scale it is more truthful to the characteristics of the xanita board.

This design follows on from my “beach chair” in concept 3. As I have been having some trouble initiating my design I have decided to take a look back at the chair I designed in week 6 to get some inspiration. Though unlike my last design, this time I must be much more efficient with my use of material as I am restricted to a 1220mm x 1830mm sheet of xanita.

From this design I was able to come up with a general aesthetic for my chair, which includes a 300mm high seat with a 400mm high backrest. Though the structure of the chair is still in the stages of development as the seat has no form of support and therefore a locking system still needs to be devised.

Research: Beach Chairs

Chair One:

I like this lounge as it is low to the ground, has a low back rest and has an outstretched seat which allows the person to stretch out their legs. The lounge has been cleverly designed so that it can be folded up and carried around. If I could incorporate this into my chair, it would be a great form of branding. The disadvantage for this chair is that I am restricted to a 1220mm x 1830mm piece of xanita board, which means that the prospect of making a lounge chair is almost impossible.

Chair Two:

This chair has low seating with an adjustable high backrest. When propelled up (as shown in the picture) the person is sitting almost directly upright. The armrests are practical for when the person is sitting upright, otherwise are simply used to function the adjustable backrest. Once again the restriction of material means that a high backrest may not be suitable, though the arm rests could be something I could incorporate into my design.

Chair Three:

This is another beach chair with a more simplified design. The low to the ground seating allows the person to outstretch their legs in a comfortable manner and the low backrest creates a somewhat lounge position. This chair also complies with the material restrictions.

Concept Three- Development

I have decided to further develop concept three, as I believe it best responds to the lack of seating at 100% Tokyo Design. The low seating outdoor chair will allow visitors to comfortably sit outside on the expansive lawn area. Essentially this will help to de-compact the already busy atmosphere inside the tents. It an be seen from the photograph in my concept three development that many visitors have chosen to sit on the lawns to eat lunch or to simply rest their feet, therefore my design will be of purpose by providing more comfortable seating and essentially encourage more people to sit outside.